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【與足球明星切磋 享受足球樂趣】   

【與足球明星切磋 享受足球樂趣】

Citi贊助香港足球會Citi七人足球賽嘅同時,仲安排花旗銀行足球明星開班教踢波,參加者係30名年齡介乎7至12歲嘅青少年,來自成長希望基金會同埋花旗香港員工嘅小朋友,一齊享受踢足球嘅樂趣,學習不同嘅足球技巧,睇下班青少年玩得幾投入! [Football Fun with The Citi All Stars Team]
A group of 30 youngsters aged 7-12 from the Changing Young Lives Foundation and Citi Hong Kong colleagues’ children learnt football skills and enjoyed new football experience, thanks to the sponsorship of the HKFC Citi Soccer Sevens. The young players attended a Soccer Sevens Clinic where they were coached by the football legends from the Citi All Stars Team and had a great time together.