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花旗集團早前宣佈同國際殘疾人奧委會攜手啟動全球合作計劃,去提升大眾對殘疾人運動嘅關注同埋改變社會對身心障礙嘅睇法。集團亦會為Team Citi嘅殘疾運動員提供協助,並支持佢地喺2020東京殘疾人奧運會進行賽事。 為咗響應以及進一步宣揚花旗集團對建立共融及多元化社會嘅承諾,一眾花旗義工,包括員工、佢地嘅屋企人、朋友以及花旗舊生參與咗由香港殘疾人奧委會暨傷殘人士體育協會舉辦嘅香港殘疾人田徑錦標賽,協助獎項管理同埋賽事程序嘅安排。4位花旗員工亦都參加咗接力邀請賽,同眾多學校代表與家長競逐獎項,以表達對殘疾人士嘅支持。 Citi has announced the global partnership with the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) earlier this year, aiming to raise the awareness for the Paralympic Movement, advocate for societal change in perceptions around... disability and will be supporting Para athletes from Team Citi at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. In an effort to echo and further promote Citi’s support to this mission, a group of Citi Hong Kong volunteers including staff, their family members and alumni provided support at the Hong Kong Para Athletics Championships, organized by the Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically Disabled. Volunteers assumed various competition supporting roles, including the management of medal presentation booths and race logistics. A team of 4 Citi staff also participated in the Invitational Relay at the Championships to compete with school representatives and parents, and showcasing support for persons with impairment. 展开