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75名來自全港10間大學嘅商科生出席咗2019「花旗集團-社聯大學生社責實踐計劃」嘅嘉許禮,表揚佢哋喺本地40間社福機構實習期間嘅積極付出,協助解決社區需要。 「花旗集團-社聯大學生社責實踐計劃」係全港首個由學界丶商界同埋社福界跨界別參與嘅合作計劃,讓學生將佢哋嘅商科知識同埋創新思維應用喺社福機構嘅實際運作中,以協助機構提升營運能力,並加強學生對企業社會責任嘅意識,培育佢哋成為關心社會嘅商業人才。... 【A Fruitful Completion to The 2019 Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program】
This year, 75 business students from 10 local universities attended The 2019 Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program Recognition Ceremony, recognizing their keen dedication during their internships at 40 local NGOs to utilize their business knowledge and expertise to meet social needs. The program is the first-of-its-kind cross-sector collaboration between academia, business and the NGO sector, which encourages students to contribute their business knowledge and innovative ideas to improving the operations of local NGOs, as well as to enhance their understanding towards Corporate Social Responsibility and nurture them to be future business leaders committed to the well-being of the society. See more