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花旗銀行一向係金融科技發展嘅領先者,更係香港首間銀行開放應用程式介面(API)平台,一直積極與不同夥伴合作發展API項目,共同構建數碼生活圈,致力為客戶帶來更好嘅銀行體驗。花旗銀行喺今次嘅活動中亦有設置展示區,俾大家睇吓花旗如何透過同合作夥伴喺「食、買、玩、行、生活理財」各層面嘅最新API合作項目,主動走入客人嘅生活當中,為客戶提供無間斷嘅服務,令銀行服務真正無處不在,融入生活當中。 As a leader in FinTech, Citibank is the first bank in Hong Kong to launch its API developer portal and has been actively collaborating with different partners to develop API projects, co-creating an all-rounded digital ecosystem for customers and bringing better banking e...xperience to customers. In the event, Citibank set up demonstration area to showcase how its latest API projects with different partners on areas of “Dining, Shopping, Entertainment, Travel and Banking” enable the bank to weave into customers’ daily life and provide them with seamless banking services, making banking services truly accessible anytime and anywhere alongside with customers’ steps. See more