又一城 >   花旗銀行 (香港)     >

【集氣支持「公益金百萬泳2019」 】   

【集氣支持「公益金百萬泳2019」 】

花旗集團本着為善最樂及提倡健康生活模式嘅精神,多年嚟一直贊助公益金百萬泳,用行動支持公益金嘅慈善工作及青少年服務!花旗集團更派出由員工組成嘅游泳隊出戰機構接力賽,與多位員工和家人參與歡樂游作為支持。 今年嘅「公益金百萬泳2019」將於10月13日(星期日)喺淺水灣泳灘舉行,除咗有刺激嘅游泳比賽,仲有啱哂一家大細嘅歡樂游同攤位遊戲,快啲約埋親朋戚友一齊嚟參加喇!... 活動詳情: 【Join Us in Supporting The Community Chest Swim for Millions 2019】
As a keen advocate of both the joy of giving and leading a healthy lifestyle, Citi Hong Kong has long supported the Community Chest Swim for Millions which raises money for its charity work and youth services. To further support this great cause, Citi staff swimming team will be competing in the Corporate Relay race while some Citi colleagues, their families and friends will be joining the Swim For Fun event. The Community Chest Swim for Millions 2019 will take place at Repulse Bay on October 13. In addition to exciting swimming competitions, there will also be family-friendly booths to entertain guests of all ages. Why not come and join us for some summer fun and to support a really meaningful cause! Details: 展开