又一城 >   花旗銀行 (香港)     >



今年又有80名來由香港10間大學嘅商科生參加咗「花旗集團-社聯大學生社責實踐計劃」,將會喺本地40間社福機構進行實習。 花旗集團連續九年主辦呢個社責實踐計劃,目的喺加深香港未來商界領袖對社區需要同埋挑戰嘅認識, 更可將佢地嘅學科知識同埋創新思維應用於社福機構嘅實際運作中,幫助機構提升營運能力。... 呢個計劃係全港首個由學界,商界及社福界嘅跨界別合作。參與呢項計劃嘅社福機構服務範疇廣泛,包括低收入人士、長者、兒童、青少年、家庭及殘疾人士,亦有推動環境保育等工作。 【2019 Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program in its 9th year of cultivating students’ sense of corporate social responsibility】 80 business students from 10 universities in Hong Kong participate in the Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program 2019 to gain work experience with 40 local non-profit organizations and get first-hand understanding of community needs and how to improve community services. The program also aims to inspire students to contribute their knowledge and expertise to the NGOs to help them build capacity. Citi Hong Kong is in its ninth year of sponsoring this program, the ultimate goal of which is to enhance our future business leaders’ understanding of the challenges the Hong Kong community faces. The program is the first cross-sector collaboration between academia, business and the NGO sector. The non-profit organizations participating diligently serve different stakeholders in our society, including those with low-income, the elderly, young people and persons with disabilities, as well as helping with environmental conservation. 展开