又一城 >   花旗銀行 (香港)     >



花旗集團積極支持國際殘疾人奧委會嘅新型冠狀病毒疫情資助計劃,與其他國際殘奧會合作伙伴,攜手提供一百八十萬歐羅予全球殘奧 #Paralympic 運動員應對疫情難關。喺香港,資助金額將撥入「殘疾人奧運會預備計劃」,協助提升本地殘奧運動。我哋一齊繼續努力,相信疫情過後,定會邁向一個殘疾共融、無障礙且可持續嘅世界。了解更多,可瀏覽 【Grant Initiative to Support Paralympic Athletes during the Pandemic】
Citi is proud to support the International Paralympic Committee’s COVID-19 grant initiative. Together with other IPC partners, we’re helping make EUR1.8M available to athletes globally during the pandemic. In Hong Kong, the grant will be allocated to the “Paralympic Games Readiness” Program to raise awareness for the Paralympic Movement. Let’s work together to build back toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 world. Learn more at