老豆:邊個係門外㗎 呀?
依家我哋就算足不出戶,都可以享受到新鮮炮製嘅Garrett Popcorn啦。
Garrett Popcorn可隨時送到。...
www.foodpanda.hk Dad:Who’s that at the door?
Son: It’s Foodpanda!
Now, we can order the freshly made
Garrett Popcorn to our doorstep.
From now on, you can indulge or surprise your family
and friends with Garrett Popcorn anytime of the day. #GarrettPopcorn #likenoother #handcraftedhappiness #GarrettTogether #hkig #hongkongairport #festivalwalkhk #cityplazahk
#apmhk #hkfoodie #hongkongeats #hongkongfood #gourmetpopcorn#happiness #handcraftedhappiness #indulge #indulgent #popcorn #likenoother #garrettxfoodpanda #foodpanda #delivery#foodpandahk @foodpanda_hongkong See more
依家我哋就算足不出戶,都可以享受到新鮮炮製嘅Garrett Popcorn啦。
Garrett Popcorn可隨時送到。...
www.foodpanda.hk Dad:Who’s that at the door?
Son: It’s Foodpanda!
Now, we can order the freshly made
Garrett Popcorn to our doorstep.
From now on, you can indulge or surprise your family
and friends with Garrett Popcorn anytime of the day. #GarrettPopcorn #likenoother #handcraftedhappiness #GarrettTogether #hkig #hongkongairport #festivalwalkhk #cityplazahk
#apmhk #hkfoodie #hongkongeats #hongkongfood #gourmetpopcorn#happiness #handcraftedhappiness #indulge #indulgent #popcorn #likenoother #garrettxfoodpanda #foodpanda #delivery#foodpandahk @foodpanda_hongkong See more