係咪零舍輕鬆, 零舍開心呢?
噉我哋那份手工製作嘅開心滋味,一定能帶俾你這感覺。 Have you got that TGIF feel? ...
Feeling good? Feeling happy?
Then we are just right for you….
Handcrafted Happiness. Visit your Garrett Popcorn Shops today
and pick up something for the weekend. #GarrettPopcorn #likenoother #handcraftedhappiness
#GarrettTogether #hkig
#hkfoodie #hongkongeats #hongkongfood #gourmetpopcorn
#happiness #handcraftedhappiness #indulge #indulgent #popcorn
#likenoother 展开
係咪零舍輕鬆, 零舍開心呢?
噉我哋那份手工製作嘅開心滋味,一定能帶俾你這感覺。 Have you got that TGIF feel? ...
Feeling good? Feeling happy?
Then we are just right for you….
Handcrafted Happiness. Visit your Garrett Popcorn Shops today
and pick up something for the weekend. #GarrettPopcorn #likenoother #handcraftedhappiness
#GarrettTogether #hkig
#hkfoodie #hongkongeats #hongkongfood #gourmetpopcorn
#happiness #handcraftedhappiness #indulge #indulgent #popcorn
#likenoother 展开