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聽日係2020年額外的一天,又係額外享受Garrett的一天。 記住蒞臨Garrett分享選購中包裝自動升級大包裝優惠    

聽日係2020年額外的一天,又係額外享受Garrett的一天。 記住蒞臨Garrett分享選購中包裝自動升級大包裝優惠

如果你係嗰生日嘅朋友,我哋仲會有特別驚喜送畀你 記住Tag你嘅朋友入嚟,將呢份喜悅分享開去。 Tomorrow is the extra Garrett for that extra day in 2020. Head down to a Shop to get an upgrade*
from Medium Bag to Large Bag or get a treat if you are a leap-year baby.
Share this extra happiness by tagging your friends. *Signature and limited time offering recipes only. #GarrettPopcorn #likenoother #handcraftedhappiness
#GarrettTogether #hkig
#hkfoodie #hongkongeats #hongkongfood #gourmetpopcorn
#happiness #handcraftedhappiness #indulge #indulgent #popcorn
#likenoother #leapyear2020 展开