Garrett Popcorn全新節日限量版紅藍聖誕樹圖案罐
肯定係你嘅最佳之選,推廣期有限,欲購從速!... Need a perfect Saturday party centerpiece
that everyone can enjoy?
Look no further, our Limited-edition Tin,
Red and Blue Holiday Spruce,
will surely be it.
Wait no longer, get them now
before they run out of stock.
www.garrettpopcorn.com.hk #GarrettPopcorn #likenoother #handcraftedhappiness
#GarrettTogether #hkig
#hkfoodie #hongkongeats #hongkongfood
#gourmetpopcorn #hongkongairport #festivalwalkhk #cityplazahk #apmhk
#holidayseason #giftideas #darkchocolatecaramelcrisp
#thanksgiving #Garrettholidaytin 展开
Garrett Popcorn全新節日限量版紅藍聖誕樹圖案罐
肯定係你嘅最佳之選,推廣期有限,欲購從速!... Need a perfect Saturday party centerpiece
that everyone can enjoy?
Look no further, our Limited-edition Tin,
Red and Blue Holiday Spruce,
will surely be it.
Wait no longer, get them now
before they run out of stock.
www.garrettpopcorn.com.hk #GarrettPopcorn #likenoother #handcraftedhappiness
#GarrettTogether #hkig
#hkfoodie #hongkongeats #hongkongfood
#gourmetpopcorn #hongkongairport #festivalwalkhk #cityplazahk #apmhk
#holidayseason #giftideas #darkchocolatecaramelcrisp
#thanksgiving #Garrettholidaytin 展开