又一城 >   玩具“反”斗城     >

【🦒玩具“反”斗城呈獻: Play O’ Clock | DIY 玩具影子畫 – 創意無限☀️】   

【🦒玩具“反”斗城呈獻: Play O’ Clock | DIY 玩具影子畫 – 創意無限☀️】

【🦒Toys”R”Us presents: Play O’ Clock | DIY toy shadow tracing – Endless Creativity☀️】 🔔又到咗玩具“反”斗城開心創意時間,宜家個太陽越來越猛,就等我地係屋企都可以同陽光玩遊戲💚DIY玩具影子畫🎨... 🔍只需要準備:
就可以係陽光下隨意用玩具畫出你嘅傑作啦🥳 快啲同我哋分享你嘅玩具影子畫,等大家睇下你最心愛嘅玩具係咩啦🤔 🔔It's time to play with Toys”R”Us happy creative idea, the sun is shining, let's play games with sunshine at home💚DIY toy shadow tracing🎨 🔍What you need:
Your lovely toy🧸
A paper🗒
Color pen🖍
Place the toy near the paper and trace the shadow🥳 Enjoy your masterpiece and share with us. Let’s see what is your most beloved toy🤔 #toysrushongkong #PlayOClock #drawing #DIY #fun #shadowtracing 展开