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【玩遊戲贏取PAW Patrol音樂劇門票😍🎉】   

【玩遊戲贏取PAW Patrol音樂劇門票😍🎉】

【WIN FREE Tickets to the PAW Patrol Musical😍🎉】 🐶🐶「《汪汪隊立大功!》之海盜寶藏」 音樂劇將於八月首次來到香港‼風靡全球嘅狗狗英雄們將喺舞台上為觀眾帶來一次充滿活力、載歌載舞、無得彈嘅探險旅程。到時仲有機會同狗狗英雄們互動,一齊完成任務!😍😍... 係咪好想去呢?依家就有機會啦!只要下載以下顏色紙,為佢填填顏色🎨🖌,就有機會贏取《汪汪隊立大功!之 海盜寶藏音樂劇門票》2張,係咪好正呢?唔好錯過,一齊嚟睇吓點參加!🌟只限「星卡」會員! 遊戲玩法:
1. 讚好 Toys"R"Us Hong Kong專頁以及此Post
2. 下載顏色紙 ( ) 或於各玩具“反”斗城分店領取給小朋友填填顏色
3. 於留言欄上載小朋友的完成品
4. @2位朋友 最有創意並完成以上步驟嘅15位合資格參加者為之勝出 獎品: 「《汪汪隊立大功!》之海盜寶藏」音樂劇門票2張 (名額15名)
#有好野記得分享比朋友 遊戲時間:即日起至2019年6月23日下午5時正
條款及細則: 在準備音樂劇之前,「阿奇」同「毛毛」會率先來到玩具"反"斗城同大家見面!更多活動詳情請瀏覽: 記得下載「星卡」App,緊貼最新優惠資訊:
桌面版: 得獎者將會有專人聯絡
立即Follow我哋Instagram睇更多有趣資訊啦: 🐶🐶“PAW Patrol Live! The Great Pirate Adventure” Musical will be on stage in HK for the first time, in August this year‼ One of the most famous heroes – PAW Patrol will bring you all a lot of joy, fun and laughter through this amazing journey. You may have a chance to meet with Paw Patrol and complete the mission during the musical!! Excited yet!?😍😍 Do you want to join this Live Musical with your family? Download the coloring sheet and share it once your kid(s) have completed coloring🎨🖌, to stand a chance to win 2 tickets of PAW Patrol Live Musical. 🌟Star Card Members ONLY. How to Win:
1. Like the Toys“R”Us Hong Kong page and this post
2. Download the coloring sheet ( ) or get in all Toys“R”Us stores for kids
3. Upload the filled coloring sheet by kids in the comment box
4. @ 2 friends. The top 15 qualified participants with the most creative, WIN.
Prize: PAW Patrol Live Musical tickets x2 (15 winners in total) Game deadline: 5pm, Jun 23, 2019
Terms and Conditions: Before the Musical, Chase and Marshall will come to meet us at Toys"R"Us! For more information:
Download the Toys”R”Us mobile app and join our STAR CARD program now
Desktop: Winners will be personally contacted by Toys”R”Us Hong Kong.
Follow us on Instagram for more updates: 『汪汪隊立大功!之 海盜寶藏』
PAW Patrol LIVE ! The Great Pirate Adventure演出詳情
日期Date:3-4 AUG 2019
時間 Time:11:00am, 2:30pm, 6:00pm
地點 Venue:九龍灣國際展貿中心匯星Star Hall, KITEC
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