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【「童您過新年」玩具新登場 – 智射四連環👍】   

【「童您過新年」玩具新登場 – 智射四連環👍】

【”Brilliant Chinese New Year” New Arrival – Connect 4 NERF👍】 今個農曆新年各位小神槍手可以同朋友一決高下喇!智射四連環新登場,玩家可以用隨附的Nerf 發射器和彈鏢策略地射擊彩色棋子,一眾小朋友以 Nerf 發射器盡情展示射擊技能🔫,拜年嘅時候啱哂同親戚朋友一齊玩!... 快啲嚟玩具“反”斗城於這個農曆新年假期成為神槍手吧🔫! 最新店舖營業時間請瀏覽: New arrival Connect 4 NERF, strategically shoot at the colored discs by using the Nerf blaster and foam darts! Kids may show off their shooting skills🔫to friends in this Chinese New Year ! Come to Toys”R”Us to shop NOW🛒and become the best sniper in this Chinese New Year! Please refer to the website for the updated stores' business hours: #toysyushongkong #CNY #CNYnewarrivals #Connect4Nerf 展开