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【玩具“反”斗城聖誕20大必買玩具 – 🌈彩虹瘋狂寵物羊駝🐑】   

【玩具“反”斗城聖誕20大必買玩具 – 🌈彩虹瘋狂寵物羊駝🐑】

【Toys”R”Us Christmas Must Buy 20 Hot Picks – 🌈Boppi The Booty Sharkin’ Rainbow Llama🐑】 🔊聖誕20大必買玩具之一👍🏻玩具“反”斗城獨家發售彩虹瘋狂寵物羊駝🐑一家大細齊齊係閃光燈下跳舞🐑。彩虹羊駝可以跟住內置嘅3首勁正歌曲隨意扭動同旋轉⭕。仲贏得澳洲玩具協會2019年度電子玩具獎。呢隻勁可愛同滑稽嘅羊駝😍絕對係送給家人和朋友嘅完美聖誕禮物! 即上玩具“反”斗城網店查閱「聖誕玩具手冊」📖,了解更多產品資訊及精彩優惠,過一個滿載驚喜嘅聖誕啦🎉! 🔊Toys”R”Us X‘mas Must Buy 20 - 👍🏻The Exclusive Boppi The Booty Sharkin’ Rainbow Llama🐑 - Get the whole family up and dancing for hours with bopper! Comes with three awesome songs to dance along to!🐑 Rainbow Llama also won the Australian Toy Association - 2019 Electronic Toy of the Year ! The Rainbow Llama is absolute adorable, hilarious, and makes the perfect gift for family and friends alike! Visit Toys”R”Us online shop to read the Greatest Christmas Toy Book📖. Get all offers and the best Christmas gifts for everyone in one place NOW🎉! #toysrushongkong #NERFFortniteSupplyDrop #gearup #Christmaspart #gift #Happiness #Excitement #uniquepresent 展开