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【最新L.O.L. 驚喜迷人毛毛寵物 一齊準備迎接秋冬🍁⛄】   

【最新L.O.L. 驚喜迷人毛毛寵物 一齊準備迎接秋冬🍁⛄】

【NEW L.O.L. Surprise Fluffy Pets to welcome Fall & Winter together🍁⛄】 踏入秋冬,係時候換新裝喇!最新18款L.O.L.驚喜迷人毛毛寵物,換上全新水晶球體包裝,等住你一齊體驗同揭開7層驚喜✨。毛髮蓬鬆嘅可愛寵物,可自由發揮你嘅創意💡,混合佢哋可以拆卸嘅毛髮重新搭配💞,再加上包裝內仲有多款配件俾你塑造新形象!最後,你仲可以將可愛寵物放返入水晶球體包裝入面,從另一角度欣賞你嘅作品😍 唔好錯過喇!網店同步。 Here comes the NEW L.O.L Surprise! Let’s welcome the Fall and Winter with L.O.L. Surprise Fluffy Pets in the brand new crystal-ball-like packing and get ready to uncover the 7 layers of surprise✨. The collection has a total of 18 fluffy cute pets each comes with removable fluffy hair. Unleash your creativity and fashion sense by mix and matching with the accessories💞. At the end, display your cute pet in the crystal globe and show off😍! Get your fluffy pets now! Available at online shop. #toysrushongkong #LOLSurprise #Fluffypets #LOL驚喜迷人毛毛寵物 See more