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【Fabulous Bike Flash Deals at Toys”R”Us🚲⚡】 踏入初秋🍃,天氣亦開始轉涼,又到咗踩單車嘅最佳季節🚲😍。玩具”反”斗城推出單車快閃優惠⚡,由10月17日至10月20日,指定12吋嘅男、女童單車低至75折,只限4天咋!快啲嚟玩具”反”斗城🛒揀返部心儀單車啦❣!網店同步。 Perfect time for cycling🚲😍in Autumn🍃! From Oct 17 til Oct 20, get advantage of the Toys”R”Us Bike Flash Deal ⚡❣- selected 12” bike for kids up to 25% off, 4 days only! Hurry! Come to Toys”R”Us to pick your favourite bike🛒! Available at online shop as well. #toysrushongkong #bike #flashdeals See more