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【STEAM益智學習 – 科學玩具、探索世界🌎】   

【STEAM益智學習 – 科學玩具、探索世界🌎】

【Your STEAM Solutions – Discover the world through Science🌎】 小朋友會對身邊嘅事物、世界都充滿好奇👀。但透過適合嘅益智玩具可以讓佢哋了解科學知識🔬,從而探索新奇、培養科學興趣! ❤... 我哋準備咗多款科學玩具比小朋友,讓小朋友邊玩邊學習,仲有唔同優惠添。即刻嚟玩具“反”斗入手選購STEAM產品啦!🛒 Kids are always curious 👀 about all the things around the world. 🔬Select suitable learning toys for them to know more science and get them inspired! ❤ We’ve prepared many Science toys for kids to learn through play, in the most productive of ways. COME in and find your STEAM solutions at Toys“R”Us. 🛒 展开