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滙豐致力營造多元共融嘅工作環境,讓不同背景的人才,包括LGBT+,發揮所長 。依家,更誠邀你上網參加首度公開接受報名嘅 Out Leadership 亞洲高峰會,一齊了解下各個行業領袖,點樣建立更精彩、更多元共融嘅企業故事。
立即登記: (按下此超連結前,請參閱本行使用條款及細則: #滙豐 #LGBT #OutLeadership亞洲高峰會 #多元共融
【A diverse cast makes for a more vibrant performance】
We choose to write better LGBT+ stories in our workplace. That’s why we are glad to invite you to the Out Leadership Asia Summit. For the first time in eight years, this annual summit will be open to the public. Join visionary industry leaders virtually, as together we set the scene for a healthier LGBT+ workplace culture.
Register now to help us write a more inclusive story: (Please refer to our Terms and Conditions at before you click on this link, HSBC assumes no liability or control on your use of this link.)
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