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【滙豐FinFit101 - 朋友定騙子?📱WhatsApp騙案要慎防!】    

【滙豐FinFit101 - 朋友定騙子?📱WhatsApp騙案要慎防!】

日日都用即時通訊軟件,但係隔住個mon,你肯定佢真係你識嗰個「佢」?最近有唔少騙徒盜用他人賬戶,然後發訊息向受害人嘅朋友、家人騙取金錢。唔想成為下一個受害者,即刻睇下呢4個要訣啦! 💬 設定雙重登入驗證,就算黑客獲取你嘅登入資料,都冇咁容易登入您嘅賬戶
💬 如果有懷疑,唔好點任何連結、圖片,或下載附件 ...
💬 唔好喺即時通訊軟件傳送户口資料、身份證等嘅敏感資訊
💬 經常更新,保持使用最新版本嘅應用程式 #滙豐 #滙豐FinFit101 #得唔得閒 #幫我買張點數卡 #十年都冇講嘢 #邊有咁易上當 【HSBC FinFit101 - Friend or Foe?📱Be Wary of WhatsApp Scams!】
We use instant messaging apps everyday but how can you know for sure that behind the screens, the person you’re talking to is who they say they are? Recently, there have been an increasing number of cases where hackers are stealing and hijacking users’ accounts to urge the victims’ friends and family to send them money. Don’t want to become their next victim? Check out these 4 tips below! 💬Enable “two-step verification” to deter the hackers from logging into your account, even if they already managed to hijack your log in details.
💬Avoid clicking and opening any links, pictures or files that you find suspicious.
💬Avoid sending sensitive information like account details and ID numbers via instant messaging apps.
💬Always keep your apps update with the latest security features. #HSBC #HSBCFinFit101 #FeelFreetoPurchase #TopUpCardsforme #NotKeepinTouchAnymore #DontbetheNextVictim 展开