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【💪全城抗疫 滙聚能量 為香港打氣❣️】   

【💪全城抗疫 滙聚能量 為香港打氣❣️】

滙豐喺香港紮根155年,無論順境逆境,我哋一直同香港並肩而行。喺呢個非常時期,除咗盡力幫助客戶,滙豐仲希望滙聚各方能量,與香港共同抗疫!滙豐捐出6000萬港元,夥拍4間本地社福機構,包括香港社會服務聯會、惜食堂、香港紅十字會,以及聖雅各福群會,為社區提供短、中、長期的支援。由食物包、抗疫物資,以至未來技能培訓, 估計全港60萬人受惠 ! 稍後我哋將會分享更多有關受惠機構利用撥款提供嘅社區服務,記得留意喇!... #滙聚能量 #疫境自強 【💪 HSBC Stands Together with Hong Kong】
For 155 years, HSBC has been standing with Hong Kong through the good times and bad. HSBC is now reaching out to provide immediate relief for those with pressing needs during this difficult time. We are donating over HKD60 million to assist some 600,000 people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong. Working with four charity partners including the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Food Angel, Hong Kong Red Cross and St. James’ Settlement, we are delivering support that ranges from immediate food and hygiene supplies to future skills training to enable longer-term recovery. Stay tuned to find out more about our community initiatives and how HSBC thrives with Hong Kong to foster an inclusive society! #StandTogetherComeOutStronger #SupportHongKong See more