自己做生意,唔等於要自己左度右度。滙豐機滙,一個為香港中小企而設嘅全新共享平台。一登入已經連繫到唔同企業家,以至行業專才,令你可以與生意上嘅同路人,分享實用適時嘅營商心得及見解,仲可以參加網上研討會同工作坊,互相激發出業務靈感!即上 ,拓展商贏機會。 #滙豐機滙 #滙豐 #中小企 #初創 #連繫中小企 #創業家交流... 【Every success story needs a great supporting cast】
Starting a business on your own doesn’t mean handling everything alone. What if you can get inspiration from a whole community of bright minds?
Introducing HSBC VisionGo, an online platform that turns your vision into action with a community of entrepreneurs. Now you can log on to a world of professionals, business events and insights you need any time.
Visit to unlock a wider business network. #HSBC #HSBCVisionGo #VisionGo #SME #startup 展开
自己做生意,唔等於要自己左度右度。滙豐機滙,一個為香港中小企而設嘅全新共享平台。一登入已經連繫到唔同企業家,以至行業專才,令你可以與生意上嘅同路人,分享實用適時嘅營商心得及見解,仲可以參加網上研討會同工作坊,互相激發出業務靈感!即上 ,拓展商贏機會。 #滙豐機滙 #滙豐 #中小企 #初創 #連繫中小企 #創業家交流... 【Every success story needs a great supporting cast】
Starting a business on your own doesn’t mean handling everything alone. What if you can get inspiration from a whole community of bright minds?
Introducing HSBC VisionGo, an online platform that turns your vision into action with a community of entrepreneurs. Now you can log on to a world of professionals, business events and insights you need any time.
Visit to unlock a wider business network. #HSBC #HSBCVisionGo #VisionGo #SME #startup 展开