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[JUMPSTARTER 2020]    


JUMPSTARTER 2020 創業比賽已經完圓滿結束。經過多輪激烈比賽後,最後五支隊伍力壓眾多參賽者脫穎而出,成為今屆賽事嘅優勝者,並且準備就緒,以創新可行嘅商業方案,貢獻社會及未來! 作為本屆JUMPSTARTER的冠名贊助,我哋衷心感謝每一個參賽單位全力付出,以及你哋每一個創新獨到嘅思維想法。滙豐亦會繼續努力,鼓勵更多有諗法、有熱誠、有視野嘅人投身初創,將佢哋嘅創意轉化成有意義嘅生意。... 立即Click 入 The JUMPSTARTER 2020 Global Pitch Competition has concluded on a high note. Among all the entrepreneurial talents, five teams have shown their capabilities to truly reshape the future. Congratulations to all the passionate and insightful minds! As the title sponsor of the competition, HSBC will continue to support the growth of startups, for a better future they are going to create. See the list of winners here: 展开