【FinFit 101 - 留意轉賬騙局 📦小心財貨兩失?】
當從事網上買賣時,係咪收到客人嘅入數紙就可以放心出貨?其實有入數紙唔一定代表過咗數~因為騙徒有機會開出無效支票,然後透過影低假嘅入數紙誤導賣家已經入數,從而騙取貨物;所以就算收到入數紙,都記得要確認已經成功入賬,先好寄出貨件。 咁點樣先為之「成功入賬」呢?喺網上理財、流動理財,或者自動櫃員機,查閱戶口嘅時候都會見到「可用結餘」同「賬面結餘」,但係唔好因為「賬面結餘」顯示對方已經入數就誤以為交易成功,因為如果對方嘅支票被「彈票」,你係唔會收到任何款項㗎;只有當「可用結餘」有所增加,先代表款項成功到賬。各位賣家要小心啲喇!... #滙豐 #滙豐FinFit101 #有入數紙唔一定代表過咗數 #小心財貨兩失 #可用結餘先係真 【HSBC FinFit 101 - Beware of Money Transfer Fraud 📦 You may lose both your money and the merchandise】
When selling goods online, should you dispatch the merchandise when buyer procures a deposit slip? Scammers can deposit dishonored cheques and convince you to deliver the merchandise with the deposit slip, even when the funds have not transferred! It is important to make sure the transaction is duly complete and the actual funds are available for use. So, what exactly is a “successful transaction”? Be sure to check your “Available Balance” on online e-banking platform, mobile banking app or ATM. Don’t be misled by the “Ledger Balance”, which includes the amounts for cheques deposited into the account but not yet transacted. If the cheque bounces, those funds would not be made available for use. Stay alert, all sellers! #HSBC #HSBCFinFit101 #DepositSlipDoesNotMeanFundsTransferred #DontLoseBothMoneyAndMerchandise #AvailableBalanceIsKing 展开
當從事網上買賣時,係咪收到客人嘅入數紙就可以放心出貨?其實有入數紙唔一定代表過咗數~因為騙徒有機會開出無效支票,然後透過影低假嘅入數紙誤導賣家已經入數,從而騙取貨物;所以就算收到入數紙,都記得要確認已經成功入賬,先好寄出貨件。 咁點樣先為之「成功入賬」呢?喺網上理財、流動理財,或者自動櫃員機,查閱戶口嘅時候都會見到「可用結餘」同「賬面結餘」,但係唔好因為「賬面結餘」顯示對方已經入數就誤以為交易成功,因為如果對方嘅支票被「彈票」,你係唔會收到任何款項㗎;只有當「可用結餘」有所增加,先代表款項成功到賬。各位賣家要小心啲喇!... #滙豐 #滙豐FinFit101 #有入數紙唔一定代表過咗數 #小心財貨兩失 #可用結餘先係真 【HSBC FinFit 101 - Beware of Money Transfer Fraud 📦 You may lose both your money and the merchandise】
When selling goods online, should you dispatch the merchandise when buyer procures a deposit slip? Scammers can deposit dishonored cheques and convince you to deliver the merchandise with the deposit slip, even when the funds have not transferred! It is important to make sure the transaction is duly complete and the actual funds are available for use. So, what exactly is a “successful transaction”? Be sure to check your “Available Balance” on online e-banking platform, mobile banking app or ATM. Don’t be misled by the “Ledger Balance”, which includes the amounts for cheques deposited into the account but not yet transacted. If the cheque bounces, those funds would not be made available for use. Stay alert, all sellers! #HSBC #HSBCFinFit101 #DepositSlipDoesNotMeanFundsTransferred #DontLoseBothMoneyAndMerchandise #AvailableBalanceIsKing 展开