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【滙豐防疫快報:分行特別措施】 保障客戶及員工嘅健康同安全係滙豐嘅首要任務,為咗減低社區傳播風險,   

【滙豐防疫快報:分行特別措施】 保障客戶及員工嘅健康同安全係滙豐嘅首要任務,為咗減低社區傳播風險,滙豐喺分行推行一系列針對衛生同埋保持合適距離嘅特別措拖: 分行衛生

- 各分行設有酒精搓手液;
- 進入分行前為客人量度體溫; ...
- 所有員工均需要戴上口罩;
- 定期消毒「網上理財」櫃位 保障安全距離
- 安排每隔一個櫃位或服務枱提供服務;
- 安排輪候自動櫃員機、櫃位等客戶保持適當距離;
- 限制會議至最多四人;
- 減少或分隔等候區座位;
- 暫停提供雜誌、報紙和股票報價機服務以避免人群聚集
除咗分行為大家提供安全嘅銀行服務,你仲可以透過HSBC HK app 喺屋企安心理財,隨時查詢賬戶、轉賬和繳付帳單、查看信用卡交易明細、管理信用卡和買入基金等操作,新客戶*仲可以輕鬆開銀行戶口𠻹! 了解更多: *新客戶是指居於香港的永久性居民、年齡介乎18至65歲、而且目前未持有任何滙豐理財/投資戶口或滙豐信用卡。 【HSBC Epidemic Prevention: Special in-branch measures】
HSBC makes it our priority to protect the safety of our customers and staff. To help reduce the risk of a community outbreak of Covid-19, we have imposed the following measures in our branches to promote better hygiene and ensure a safer distance from one another. Hygiene
- Hand sanitisers at all branches
- Temperature check for visitors
- Masks for all employees
- Regular disinfection of online banking counters Maintaining a safe distance
- Offering services at alternate counters
- Safe distance guidance for customers queuing at counters and for ATMs
- Maximum 4 people in each meeting room
- Fewer and separated seats in waiting areas
- Temporary suspension of magazines, newspapers and stock price terminals to avoid congregation of customers While we’re doing our best to serve you at branches, don’t forget to use the HSBC HK app for a wide array of services spanning money transfer, bill payments, investment, credit card and account management. New customers* can even open an account remotely! Learn more: *New customers are permanent residents aged 18-65 residing in Hong Kong and do not currently hold any HSBC bank / investment accounts, or credit cards. 展开