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【手快有手慢冇✨自訂個人專屬 PayLink🔗】   

【手快有手慢冇✨自訂個人專屬 PayLink🔗】

PayMe 推出咗新收款方式,用戶可以用自己名建立「個人專屬PayLink」,只要將自己整嘅連結分享畀朋友, 佢哋就可以即時㩒你嘅PayLink付款畀你。 要取得心水PayLink,首先要更新個app,喺PayMe主頁點按「我的賬戶」,然後按PayCode(用戶照片旁),再按「自訂我的 PayLink」即可。 如果你都想擁有一個簡單易記嘅PayLink,就快啲行動!
立即下載PayMe: 儲值支付工具牌照編號:SVFB002 【Hurry up✨ Secure your personalised PayLink🔗 today】
Available now, the brand new PayLink feature is the latest and easier way to request money! PayMe users can now create a custom PayLink, which can be shared with family and friends for them to click and pay you instantly! To secure your unique PayLink, make sure your PayMe app is updated to the latest version. Click “Me” on the PayMe main page, tap on your PayCode (next to profile pic), then ‘Customise my PayLink’. Get your personalised PayLink before it’s gone!
Download PayMe now: SVF license no: SVFB002 See more