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保護自己同家人,履行承諾就要有充足嘅防疫知識!快啲睇吓由滙豐保險醫療事務總監陳詠彤博士敎路嘅短片,認識多啲新型冠狀病毒#,即刻去「LIFE Talk」學多啲啦! 滙豐保險現為客戶及其伴侶和子女提供一份特別保障:所有現有保單之滙豐保險客戶,將免費享有以下2項延伸保障,保障期為一年,而且不受年齡或保費金額限制:...
1. 住院現金保障每日港幣$1,000 (最多達45日); 及
2. 未來12個月內所有到期保費之寬限期將延長至180日 另外,而家至4月30日期間投保之新人壽保單,­­更可額外享有診斷保障及身故賠償。 有關新型冠狀病毒的特別保障詳情、條款及細則,請瀏覽 #「新型冠狀病毒」指現時由世界衛生組織稱為COVID-19之病毒 【What is Novel Coronavirus? Learn more to protect yourself】
Understand more about the Novel Coronavirus# through the video presented by Dr. Wing Chan, Chief Medical Affairs at HSBC Life, and learn how to protect yourself and your family. It’s another important way to help you keep your promises. Visit “LIFE Talk” to learn more: Because of the outbreak, HSBC Life is extending a complimentary special free benefit to our customers, their partners and children. All policies currently held by customers of HSBC Life will have the following two additional benefits for one year, with no limitations or special requirement on age or premium amount:
1. Hospital cash benefit of HK$1,000 per day up to 45 days.
2. Extended premium grace period for all future premium(s) due in the next 12 months will be extended to 180 days. Two more extended benefits – Diagnosis benefit and Death benefit – will be included in all new life policies taken out from now to 30 April 2020. For more details and the terms and conditions of these special benefits, please visit # “Novel Coronavirus” refers to the new strain of coronavirus currently named “COVID-19” by the World Health Organization (WHO). See more