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【HSBC網絡保安挑戰賽 - 第一回 】   

【HSBC網絡保安挑戰賽 - 第一回 】

D)以上答案皆是 答啱以上問題就有機會贏取萬寧現金券一張,價值HKD 100(名額:15個),遊戲玩法:
1) 讚好及成為HSBC HK Facebook專頁粉絲
2) 於留言欄寫低以上問題嘅正確答案 我哋將會從留言中隨機抽出15位答啱嘅幸運兒。
結果將於2019年5月27日或之前透過本行Facebook專頁內公布。 咪做黑客幕後幫手即時重溫: 條款及細則: #注意網絡安全 #咪做黑客嘅幕後幫手 #滙豐 【HSBC Cyber Security Challenge - 1】
Q: In the video, what did Richard do to make himself an easy target for hackers?
A) He used the free wifi at a restaurant
B) He used an overly simple numerical sequence as his password
C) He logged in to his internet banking account
D) All of the above Answer the above question correctly for a chance to win one Mannings Cash Voucher, value HKD 100 (15 winners). Here’s how to play:
1) Like and follow HSBC HK’s Facebook page
2) Leave a comment below stating the correct answer Participants with the correct answer will enter into a lucky draw, and the winners will be randomly selected by computer Entry deadline: 11:59pm, 22 May, 2019
The winners will be announced on the Bank’s Facebook Page on or before 27 May 2019 Watch the video again: Terms and Conditions: #HSBC #CyberSecurity 展开