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原來唔見咗智能電話📱,亦需要立即通知銀行!因為今時今日嘅智能電話已經保存咗好多你嘅個人資料,萬一畀小偷/黑客得手就咁就有資料洩露嘅風險喇! 所以喺使用流動理財服務嘅時候啟用生物認證功能例如Face ID、指紋認證亦係其中一種可以加強保障嘅方法!...
你或身邊嘅朋友有無手機防hack秘技?留言開心Share丫 更多流動裝置保安貼士: #注意網絡安全 #咪做黑客幕後幫手 #滙豐 【Lost your smartphone❓】
99% of people who’ve lost their credit cards 💳 would report the loss to their banks immediately to avoid financial loss. But did you know, the same applies when you lose your smartphone📱? Your smartphone contains a lot of personal information. If a hacker gets his hands on it, it’d make his day! Enabling biometric authentication features such as Face ID or fingerprint ID while using mobile banking services is also one way to enhance mobile security!
Do you or your friends have tips for making phones hard to hack? Leave a comment and share it now! Read more tips about mobile security: #HSBC #CyberSecurity #DontGiveHackersAHand 展开