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【十人團結一條龍🐉 百人團結像泰山⛰】   

【十人團結一條龍🐉 百人團結像泰山⛰】

最近炎熱又不穩嘅天氣提醒我哋端午節就到喇☀️ 節日重點當然唔少得扒龍舟啦🐲!龍舟競渡重視團隊合作,隊員目標及節奏劃一,先可以充分發揮大家嘅力量,勝過對手衝過終點。🛶扒龍舟嘅團結精神同滙豐信念一樣 ─ 不論大家嘅生活狀況、人生階段甚至故事各有不同,只要目標一致🥅,我哋一齊可以成就更多✨。 【Unite together for Dragon Boat Festival】
The recent hot weather signals the approach of the Tuen Ng Festival and its most iconic event, the Dragon Boat race!☀️ With team spirit and perseverance taking centre stage aboard the dragon boat🐲, members must all paddle to the beat of the drum to maximise their potential and cross the finish line victoriously. The teamwork required in dragon boating 🛶 echoes HSBC’s brand promise – together we thrive. Even though each of us has our own story, it’s only when we work in unison that we can achieve our goal✨.