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有冇嘢係你由細細個喜歡到而家?Raymond Cheng由六歲就已經喜歡滙豐,滙豐為行業帶嚟革命性改變、顧客嘅信任、尊重促使Raymond 24歲就加入滙豐,而且陪伴我哋服務香港36年,即刻撳入去睇片了解更多Raymond嘅故事啦! 【From 6 to 60】
Are you still pursuing any of your childhood passions? Raymond Cheng has been a fan of HSBC ever since he was six. Bringing revolutionary change to the industry while earning trust and respect from its clients, HSBC caught Raymond’s eye at the age of 24....
Ever since then, Raymond has been a part of HSBC, serving Hong Kong with us for 36 years and counting. Check out the video to find out more Raymond’s story! 展开