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【 HSBC 哲學教室- 時間篇】   

【 HSBC 哲學教室- 時間篇】

「甚麼是時間?如果沒有人問我,我知道。如果我要向發問者解釋,我則一無所知。」── 奧古斯丁... 亞里士多德認為,透過物件運動同變化先可以意識到時間。到底十年有幾耐?由牙牙學語嬰兒,長大到青春期少年咁耐,從人嘅生理上改變你可以了解到何謂十年。 你嘅人生目標都可能隨時間變化,例如去外國工作假期,抑或回流香港再闖一番事業,呢啲變化會令到你個人資料或戶口活動有變動。請儘快通知滙豐,令銀行更加了解你。你嘅合作有助金融系統更完善,防止金融罪案。
了解更多: 【 HSBC’s philosophy classroom - Time】
“Why are you always late! Where’s your sense of time?”
Sound familiar? The next time you’re confronted with this question, perhaps you can borrow the words of early Christian theologian and philosopher Saint Augustine of Hippo: “What is time then? If nobody asks me, I know; but if I were desirous to explain it to one that should ask me, plainly I do not know.” Aristotle claims that time is dependent on change. How long is 10 years? From a baby learning how to speak to a teenager going through puberty, you can comprehend the concept of 10 years through your own physical changes. Your goals can also change over time. Major life events like a working holiday or a new career can bring about changes to your personal information or bank account. It’s important that you keep HSBC updated regularly to ensure the bank’s understanding of you. Your cooperation helps strengthen our financial system, ultimately preventing financial crime. Learn more: 展开