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【滙豐世界羽聯世界巡迴賽.「猜」幾板. 決賽門票送俾你】   

【滙豐世界羽聯世界巡迴賽.「猜」幾板. 決賽門票送俾你】

講到香港人嘅運動,一定係少不了羽毛球!而扎根香港嘅滙豐致力推廣羽毛球運動,除咗鼓勵大家多啲切磋外,當然唔少得為球迷帶嚟球壇盛事 — 「滙豐世界羽聯世界巡迴賽」啦!想去嘅朋友注意📣答啱以下問題就有機會贏取「YONEX-SUNRISE 二零一九香港公開羽毛球錦標賽」決賽門票兩張(名額:20個) 遊戲玩法:
1) 讚好及成為HSBC HK Facebook專頁粉絲...
2) 於此帖文留言欄寫低以下問題嘅正確答案:片中兩位球手「猜」咗幾多板呢?
條款及細則︰grp.hsbc/BWF2019_notes #滙豐 #2019年滙豐世界羽聯世界巡迴賽 #決賽門票送俾你 【Count your way to the 2019 HSBC BWF World Tour!】
Like HSBC, the game of badminton is deeply rooted in Hong Kong! Not only do we encourage Hong Kongers to play the sport together, we also fully support the annual HSBC BWF World Tour! Simply follow the steps below for a chance to win a pair of tickets (capped at 20 pairs) to the YONEX-SUNRISE Hong Kong Open 2019 finals! How it works:
1) ‘Like’ our HSBC HK Facebook page
2) Correctly count how many times the shuttlecock is struck and put down your answer in the comment section of this post
Submission deadline: 11:59pm on 3 November 2019
Results will be announced on 4 November 2019 in the comment section below.
Terms & Conditions: grp.hsbc/BWF2019_notes #HSBC #HSBCBWFbadminton #ticketgiveaway 展开