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【滙豐保險 - 堅毅,源自一份承諾🤞🏼】   

【滙豐保險 - 堅毅,源自一份承諾🤞🏼】

世界排名第五、嚟自丹麥嘅羽毛球男單好手安賽龍,出道以嚟實力一直備受肯定,原來背後推動佢嘅,係一份承諾!無論喺球場上,定係喺人生嘅路上,我哋所抱住嘅承諾時刻都會推動我哋做得更好。 滙豐保險今年繼續全力支持11月中舉行嘅《滙豐世界羽聯世界巡迴賽香港站》,之前錯過咗同安賽龍見面嘅機會?唔緊要!即刻去片睇下佢點樣透過一顆羽毛球走入社區,連繫大家! #承諾之後才是承諾開始 #滙豐保險 #每個球拍背後都有一份承諾 #安賽龍 #滙豐世界羽聯世界巡迴賽香港站... 【HSBC Life - Persistence comes from a promise🤞🏼】
Viktor Axelsen, a professional badminton player from Denmark, ranked 5th in the world, showed strength and skills from the moment he first stepped onto the badminton court. On and off the court, Viktor always promises himself to do better. This year, HSBC Life continues to support the “HSBC BWF World Tour Hong Kong Stop” this mid-November. Missed the chance to meet Viktor? No worries – check out our video and see how Viktor uses a shuttlecock to connect to the community! #BecauseAPromiseIsAPromise #HSBCLife #HSBCBWFbadminton #HKOpenBadmintonChampionships2019 #ViktorAxelsen 展开