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【 HSBC 哲學教室- 記性篇】 同事:「嘩!我呢排記性差到尋日晏晝食咗咩都唔記得」   

【 HSBC 哲學教室- 記性篇】 同事:「嘩!我呢排記性差到尋日晏晝食咗咩都唔記得」

你可以咁安慰佢:「人大咗,記性唔係咁好都可能係一件好事!」... 莊子:「忘足,履之適也;忘要,帶之適也;忘是非,心之適也」忘記自己隻腳,著鞋就最自然最舒服。忘記是是非非,做人亦最開心。 忘記有時係好,但唔見咗身份證或手提電話等等,記得同銀行主動聯絡說明情況,滙豐會協助你減低身分被盜用嘅機會,防止金融罪行發生!
了解更多: 【 HSBC’s philosophy classroom - Memory】 “I have the worst memory! Can’t even remember what I had for lunch yesterday…” But perhaps it’s not such a bad thing! Ancient Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi once said: “If the pair of shoes is uncomfortable, then forget about the shoes and you feet will feel comfortable; If the belt doesn’t fit, forget about the belt and you will feel comfortable; Similarly, if you feel down, forget about the gossips and it will help soothe your mind”. Forgetfulness can bring joy sometimes, but if you ever lose your ID card, mobile phone or anything that verifies your identity, be sure to inform the bank immediately. We will help minimise the chance of your identity being stolen, preventing financial crime! Learn more: See more