又一城 >   滙豐     >



今次我地嚟到赤柱,同你一齊吹住海風體驗全新戶外運動Airbadminton!現場設有羽毛球教室,由我哋邀請嘅專業教練免費教你打波!歡迎大家落場熱身,切磋球技! 同場仲有多款遊戲同紀念品等緊你,快啲拎埋你嘅心愛球拍嚟,印上專屬圖案啦!
10月12-13日上午10時至下午6時,赤柱廣場見!... #HSBCLife #滙豐保險 #每個球拍背後都有一份承諾 #滙豐保險羽毛球體驗館 #赤柱廣場
【HSBC Life Badminton Experience Zone 4th Station at Stanley Plaza】 This time we’re going to Stanley, where you can play a new outdoor game, Airbadminton in the sea breeze. Professional badminton coaches will be on hand to give free lessons, and we welcome everyone to warm up and exchange badminton tips. You’ll find mini-games and souvenirs – plus you can bring your own racquet to customise it with special graphics. Share this Facebook post to get free popcorn! (Limited offer)
See you at Stanley Plaza, 12 and 13 October 2019, 10am to 6pm! #HSBCLifeBadmintonExperienceTour See more