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有冇發現身邊啲朋友最近變咗做花旦?原來佢哋都玩咗HSBC梨園粵韻 AR Filter!喺入手全新$100紙嘅同時,你都一齊扮成花旦,體驗新銀紙嘅魅力啦。影完記得加埋#HSBC100 Po出嚟,等呢股花旦熱潮可以席捲全城!
即時體驗: #HSBC100 #HSBC紅衫魚 #我要做花旦... 【Transform into a Cantonese Opera Singer from the new HSBC $100 banknote】
Have you noticed some of your friends turning into Cantonese Opera singers recently? That’s because they are using the new HSBC Cantonese Opera-inspired AR Filter! Try it for yourself while you get your hands on the brand new $100 banknotes. Don’t forget to tag #HSBC100 when you post your photos and share it with your friends!
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