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滙豐全力為香港青年協會舉辦嘅「青協背包跑2019」打氣💪🏻!鼓勵大家關注青少年情緒健康,一齊同跑同分憂🎒📚。除咗10公里賽事、迷你全馬同迷你半馬,仲有大型解憂嘉年華等精彩節目🎶🎪,比大家學識正面地處理情緒起伏同chill住過個無憂下晝😎。活動所籌得嘅款項會用喺青協「青少年全健精神科資助計劃」,支援有需要嘅青少年👐👐🏻。早鳥優惠喺9月11日就截止啦🕊,快啲集氣叫埋朋友一齊加入背包跑隊伍🌞,Click入 報名啦🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️! 【HSBC runs for you🏃🏻‍♀️🎒】
HSBC supports The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups’ “Run for Wellness 2019” (HKFYG) 💪🏻! Giving attention to the emotional health of young people is important, and we want to share t...heir load by running with joy🎒📚. The 10km run, mini marathon and half-marathon, as well as the activities at the Wellness Carnival 🎶🎪 provide guidance on how to deal with emotions positively, and a chill afternoon to relax with friends and family😎. All funds raised from this event will support the Youth Wellness Psychiatric Service Scheme, which provides subsidies and timely intervention for young people in need 👐🏻. The early bird offer ends on 11 September🕊, let’s invite your friends to join the team🌞 and sign up at now 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️! (按下此超連結前,請參閱本行使用條款及細則: (Please refer to our Terms and Conditions at before you click on this link, HSBC assumes no liability or control on your use of this link. ) 展开