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【趁住今日#世界密碼日 更新密碼🔑】   

【趁住今日#世界密碼日 更新密碼🔑】

唔想咁容易就畀黑客攻擊,就要加強保安,定期更新密碼喇!以下係設定網上銀行密碼嘅貼士:💁‍ #獨立密碼:網上銀行唔好同其他電郵或網站使用同一組登入名稱及密碼。否則,黑客真係多謝你呀!😏... #似亂非亂:選取有意思嘅英文字句/歌詞嘅字首加上數字及符號,咁就易記又難倒黑客喇!🎼 覺得內容實用有趣?記得密切留意我哋嘅Facebook Page,我哋即將有個幕後專家粉墨登場,為你講解更多資訊! 想知其他密碼小貼士:click入黎了解吓! #咪做黑客嘅幕後幫手 #滙豐 #HSBC #CyberSecurity 【Update your password on World Password Day!】
Don’t want to be a hackers’ helper? Dial up your security settings and change your password regularly. Here are a few tips for setting your internet banking password: Unique password: Don’t use the same login ID and password for internet banking as for emails or other websites, or hackers will thank you! Mix it up: Take the initials of an English sentence or a line of lyrics and add numbers and symbols. That way, it’s easy to remember, hard to hack! Stay tuned to our Facebook page if you find these information useful and interesting! A special guest will soon be revealed to join us for more sharing. Want more tips for setting passwords: click here! 展开