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「印出過未來」係滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃所支持嘅項目之一。計劃旨在透過同不同團體合作,促進社區共融。自2012年推出以來,合共捐助超過1,300項計劃,總受惠人次超過600萬,俾佢哋行出不一樣嘅路。 入嚟睇下,同我哋一起延續建慧行出可能嘅故事吖: #滙豐 #支持社區 #一起延續故事 【A story from a community centre in Chai Wan】
The Hong Kong Association for the Disabled and Health offers a 3D printing course called ‘Print Your Future’ at their Chai Wan service centre, intended to empower young people with future skills to design products that benefit the lives of those in need. Kin Wai’s disability since childhood has not stopped her from learning and exploring. She has already created many small, yet innovative designs and gadgets after joining the course.
‘Print Your Future’ is one of the projects supported by the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme, aimed to foster community integration. Since its launch in 2012, the Programme has supported over 1,300 projects, reaching over 6 million beneficiaries and empowering them to explore different paths. Let’s take a look at Kin Wai’s story of unlimited possibilities: #HSBC #SupportingCommunities #TheStoryContinues See more