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一講到小朋友嘅未來,每個媽咪都會變身成為編劇,一眨眼寫好完美嘅人生劇本🏡。媽咪,妳呢?你自己嘅未來呢? 哈佛博士、建築師、TalkShow主持;有錢、有生活、有樂趣……未來嘅無限可能,唔會只係小朋友嘅專利,媽咪,一樣都有。 ... 喺媽咪探索自己人生可能嘅旅程上,滙豐會一直陪喺媽咪身邊。無論係開始環遊世界嘅第一步🗺,迎接事業起飛嘅轉捩點,又或者係喺堅持不懈,追尋夢想嘅路,滙豐都會一直陪住每一位媽咪,支持佢哋發掘屬於自己嘅超能力,不斷續寫人生故事嘅新篇章🎉。 每一位媽咪嘅無限可能,我哋一齊延續!母親節快樂🌷! 【Rediscovering the infinite potential of a supermom】
When it comes to their children’s future, mothers always have the perfect script in mind🏡.
But dear mum, how about you? What does your future look like? A Harvard professor, an architect, a talk show host; living a life of wealth and passion…
The future is filled with endless possibilities – this doesn’t only stand true for children, but for mothers too. Whether it’s their first step towards traveling the world🗺, the turning point of their career, or the persistent pursuit of their dreams, HSBC accompanies each and every mother to discover her own superpower as she continues to write her life story🎉. Let us continue to uncover the infinite possibilities of being a supermom! Happy Mother's Day 🌷! 展开