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牛年就快到!想開個好年,迎接豐盛新一年?就要睇睇滙豐賀年大獅醒你嘅開年秘笈喇~ 由2021年2月12日到2月26日(初一至十五),用指定滙豐服務,可享精選獎賞,由消費、儲蓄、投資到保險,樣樣有獎,輕鬆開個好年!... 你仲可以自動參加「醒足一年大抽獎」, 隨時包你全年衣、食、住或行獎賞, 等你喺新一年寫下更精彩故事!詳情: 唔止呀~ 嚟緊大年初一晚上8點18分,滙豐賀年大獅仲會走勻香港各區,為大家送上祝福,仲有驚喜禮物𠻹!記得留意滙豐Facebook喇~ 賺埋賺埋咁多獎賞,梗係要將福氣share畀更多人!快啲download一套12款嘅賀年大獅WhatsApp 貼圖,向親朋好友送上祝福,拜個好年~ 立即下載WhatsApp貼圖:
iOS Android: (按下此超連結前,請參閱本行使用條款及細則: 對閣下使用此連結,本行並不承擔任何責任,且不在本行控制範圍之內。) 此優惠適用於身處香港人士。優惠須受條款及細則約束。 借定唔借?還得到先好借!投資涉及風險。指定人壽保險計劃由滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司)承保並受其信貸風險影響。早期退保或會招致損失。有關產品條款及細則請參閱產品冊子。 #滙豐賀年大獅 #開個好年醒一年 #開好年隨時獎 #醒足一年大抽獎 #醒你全年衣食住行獎賞 【New year, new rewards.】
Chinese New Year is coming. Our lion has some tips and offers that will get your Year of the Ox off to a great start. From 12 to 26 February 2021, you can enjoy selected rewards in spending, savings, investments and insurance for a good start to the year. By enjoying the designated offers and HSBC services during the promotional period, you are automatically eligible to join the New Year Lucky Draw. Don’t miss out on the chance to win special rewards in categories of shopping, food, lifestyle or transportation. What a great way to start the year and the next chapter of your story! Details: Make sure you don’t miss our lion touring around the districts of Hong Kong to send blessings. Stay tuned to our HSBC Facebook page for the video and a surprise gift on 12 Feb 8:18pm. Share the joy and blessings with your loved ones by using our exclusive lion WhatsApp Stickers over the new year! Download the WhatsApp Stickers now:
iOS Android: (Please refer to our Terms and Conditions at before you click on this link, HSBC assumes no liability or control on your use of this link.) This offer is intended for persons in Hong Kong. Terms and conditions apply. To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay! Investment involves risk. Selected life insurance plans are underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) ("HSBC Life” ). Subject to credit risk of the issuer HSBC Life (International) Limited and early surrender loss. Please refer to the respective Product Brochure for detailed terms and conditions. #HSBCsLion #AGreatYearStartsHere #NewYearNewRewards #NewYearLuckyDraw 展开