退休生活=優哉游哉?對於一直熱心貢獻社會嘅老友記嚟講,恐怕未必係咁。我哋今次社區故事嘅主角Alice就有深切嘅體會,曾經喺滙豐任職超過42年嘅佢,冇諗過退休之後,原來並唔係想像中咁舒適自在,驅使佢重投中環職場嘅懷抱。 滙豐知道有好多年長人士,喺退休之後都難以適應,無奈社會上可以俾長者發揮所長嘅地方並唔多,於是自2010年起推出「智醒老友記」計劃,令佢哋可以繼續服務社會,重拾活力。... 入嚟睇下,同我哋一起延續Alice退而不休嘅故事吖: #滙豐 #支持社區 #一起延續故事 【A story from the HSBC Central branch】
Retirement time = leisure time? Not necessarily, especially for those who have dedicated most of their lives contributing to society. Alice once worked at HSBC for over 42 years before she retired, but the transition to a life of pure leisure turned out to be more difficult than she thought. Little did she know she would return to Central, where she last worked, shortly after. HSBC understands many elderly people want to stay involved in the community. Since 2010, our Smart Senior Programme has played an active role in empowering senior citizens, giving them the opportunity to continue serving the community. Uncover the story of Smart Senior Alice here: #HSBC #SupportingOurCommunity #TheStoryContinues 展开
退休生活=優哉游哉?對於一直熱心貢獻社會嘅老友記嚟講,恐怕未必係咁。我哋今次社區故事嘅主角Alice就有深切嘅體會,曾經喺滙豐任職超過42年嘅佢,冇諗過退休之後,原來並唔係想像中咁舒適自在,驅使佢重投中環職場嘅懷抱。 滙豐知道有好多年長人士,喺退休之後都難以適應,無奈社會上可以俾長者發揮所長嘅地方並唔多,於是自2010年起推出「智醒老友記」計劃,令佢哋可以繼續服務社會,重拾活力。... 入嚟睇下,同我哋一起延續Alice退而不休嘅故事吖: #滙豐 #支持社區 #一起延續故事 【A story from the HSBC Central branch】
Retirement time = leisure time? Not necessarily, especially for those who have dedicated most of their lives contributing to society. Alice once worked at HSBC for over 42 years before she retired, but the transition to a life of pure leisure turned out to be more difficult than she thought. Little did she know she would return to Central, where she last worked, shortly after. HSBC understands many elderly people want to stay involved in the community. Since 2010, our Smart Senior Programme has played an active role in empowering senior citizens, giving them the opportunity to continue serving the community. Uncover the story of Smart Senior Alice here: #HSBC #SupportingOurCommunity #TheStoryContinues 展开