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【滙豐Bake Off挑戰賽】   

【滙豐Bake Off挑戰賽】

又到聖誕,又到聖誕! 有邊個可以抵擋又香又脆嘅自家製薑餅人?
來自 Hong Kong Rugby Union 香港欖球總會 嘅香港男子七人欖球隊成員率先接受挑戰,為佢哋嘅家人同朋友炮製薑餅人曲奇! 立即click入 觀賞香港欖球隊成員焗製薑餅人嘅過程!...
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Christmas is around the corner and it’s time for some seasonal favourites – who can resist the spicy aroma of homemade gingerbread cookies? The Hong Kong Men’s 7s players from the Hong Kong Rugby Union are taking up the baking challenge to impress their friends and families! Watch their gingerbread bake off here: (Please refer to our Terms and Conditions at before you click on this link, HSBC assumes no liability or control on your use of this link.) #HSBCBakeOffChallenge #GingerbreadBakeOff 展开