又一城 >   滙豐     >



聞到舊式餅店香噴噴嘅蛋撻,唔同人會諗起唔同嘅往事。而位於九龍城嘅豪華餅店,亦有佢自己嘅故事,呢間有40幾年歷史嘅老字號,係周生周太嘅心血結晶,多年來大受街坊歡迎,但係今年一場疫情,令呢個故事差啲就要畫上句號…… 滙豐一直支持社區發展,喺疫情挑戰下,我哋運用專業同熱誠,幫助一眾街坊小店共渡難關,為嘅,係想我哋嘅城市,能夠保持住一份暖暖嘅人情味。... 入嚟睇下,同我哋一起延續周太同佢餅店嘅故事吖: 提示:「借定唔借?還得到先好借!」
*受條款及細則約束。 #滙豐 #支持中小企 #一起延續故事 #社區故事
【A story about a bakery in Kowloon City】
The nostalgic scent of traditional egg tarts brings back different memories for different people. For Mr. and Mrs. Chow, owners of Hoover Cake Shop in Kowloon City, these memories trace back to over 40 years ago when the bakery first opened. Despite years of success with a strong reputation within the neighbourhood, it was inevitably hit hard by the pandemic. It seemed as though their story was finally coming to an end… HSBC has always supported the development of local communities. Faced with the pandemic, we strive to help small businesses overcome these tough times, with the aim of preserving local characters and cultures. Uncover the story of Mrs. Chow and her cake shop here: Reminder: “To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!”
*Terms and conditions apply. #HSBC #SupportingSMEs #TheStoryContinues #communitystories 展开