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【「樂遊網上學習計劃」 為學童創造夢想✨】   

【「樂遊網上學習計劃」 為學童創造夢想✨】

一場疫情,令唔少學校都加快數碼化步伐,改為網上教學💻。滙豐早前同聖雅各福群會推出「樂遊網上學習計劃」,當中捐出1,000萬港元購入平板電腦及流動上網裝置,並送贈予基層學童💓。而滙豐香港區行政總裁施穎茵更親身探訪受惠學童,大談計劃背後理念🌟,希望基層學童唔會因為缺乏數碼設備而影響學習進度,協助佢哋應付學校及社會上嘅挑戰💪🏼。 未來滙豐將會繼續投放更多資源協助社會各階層同支持香港社區🤝!... #滙豐 #樂遊網上學習計劃 #聖雅各福群會 【HSBC Supports Local Students’ Dreams through “Gleeful E-Learning Journey Programme”✨】
The new normal is digital. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, schools in Hong Kong are adapting to online teaching💻. HSBC partners with St. James’ Settlement to launch our latest initiative “Gleeful E-Learning Journey Programme”, gifting more than HK$10 million to purchase tablets and mobile Wi-Fi routers for 3,000 deprived students💓. Diana Cesar, Chief Executive, Hong Kong, HSBC, has shared her vision on the programme with the aided students🌟, hoping that it will help those who are less digitally equipped to navigate the challenges at school and in their social lives💪🏼. In the coming future, HSBC will continue to address diverse community needs and support local communities🤝! #HSBC #GleefulELearningJourneyProgramme #StJamesSettlement 展开