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即使係殘疾人士,一樣可以邁步向前!滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃早前支持嘅「每個人都是超級巨星」項目,希望透過科技以及社交媒體幫助更多殘疾人士,令佢哋能夠喺疫情期間同身邊嘅人建立聯繫;復康資源協會行政總監林小玲更希望計劃能夠進一步擴大佢哋嘅社交圈子,增強自信心。 立即去片🎬,感受無界限社區! ... 想知我哋點樣繼續支持香港社區,立即click入: #滙豐 #滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃2020 #每個人都是超級巨星 #復康資源協會 【HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme 2020: Everyone is a Superstar!】
Physical challenges can’t hold us back! Powered by the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme 2020, the “Everyone is a Superstar” project aims to use technology and social media to help people with disabilities connect with others, despite the social distancing measures amidst the pandemic. Dr. Cecilia Lam, CEO of Rehabaid Society, hopes the project can foster greater inclusion in the community. Check out our video to envision a boundless society🎬! See how we support local communities: #HSBC #HSBCHKCommunity2020 #EveryoneIsASuperstar #RehabaidSociety See more