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【滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃2020:「寵」我同行 建設動物友善社區!】   

【滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃2020:「寵」我同行 建設動物友善社區!】

一個健康完善嘅社區,當然要人同動物共融生活啦🐶🐱!滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃2020早前贊助咗基督教香港信義會社會服務部,推出「寵」我同行項目,希望透過動物輔助治療,促進年輕人嘅身心健康。期間仲會舉辦義工訓練、社區大使計劃、同動物攝影展等,活動相當豐富。想知更多呢個項目嘅內容?即刻睇下項目主任余心諾嘅介紹🎬! 了解我哋點樣支持香港社區,立即click入: ... #滙豐 #滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃2020 【HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme 2020: Supporting “Animal Be With Me” for a pet-friendly community!】
An animal-inclusive culture helps contribute to a healthy community🐶🐱. That's why the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme 2020 has joined hands with the Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service Hong Kong for the “Animal Be With Me” project. Aiming to promote the well-being of our young generation through animal-assisted therapy, the initiative also features a wide range of activities including volunteer training, community ambassador programmes and an animal-focused photography exhibition. Anson Yu, the campaign's Project Officer, has shared more on their vision🎬! See how we support local communities: #HSBC #HKCPP2020 展开