又一城 >   滙豐     >



坐落喺滙豐總行嘅銅獅Stephen同Stitt,守護住滙豐總行八十五年,對香港人同滙豐都係份量十足,夠晒代表性。你又知唔知銅獅本身嘅重量同樣都好夠「份量」,每隻足足有成1,200公斤! 今次除咗有兩位銅獅回歸,而家滙豐總行外牆更有全新銅獅燈光匯演✨,下次經過不妨停低欣賞下!而喺將來嘅日子,滙豐會繼續陪住香港人一齊延續故事💪🏻。... #滙豐 #滙豐銅獅 #香港故事 #一起延續故事 【New Light Show at HSBC Headquarters!】
The HSBC lions, Stephen and Stitt, have guarded our headquarters for over 85 years. Not only do they hold a monumental place in the hearts of HSBC and the local community, but they are also tremendous in size -- weighing over 1,200 kgs each! To celebrate the return of Stephen and Stitt, HSBC is presenting a new light show at our head office✨. Be sure to drop by our main building for an illuminating moment! In the coming future, HSBC will continue to embrace the Hong Kong spirit for more stories to come💪🏻. #HSBC #HSBCLions #HongKongStories #TheStoryContinues 展开