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【渣打推第二輪支援 連繫企業客戶同社聯助劏房戶交租】   

【渣打推第二輪支援 連繫企業客戶同社聯助劏房戶交租】

早前我哋公布向社聯捐出1,000萬港元資助劏房戶支付租金嘅計劃後,迅即接獲過萬宗查詢同申請,2,000個名額亦喺兩日內額滿,反映大量基層市民處境十分嚴峻,需要更多支援。 所以我哋同社聯決定推出第二輪資助,同時放寬申請人家庭收入減幅嘅要求,並邀請銀行企業客戶參與捐助。客戶每捐出1元,渣打將捐出等額款項,上限為1,000萬港元,令受惠家庭總數增至最少4,000,每戶資助額同為5,000港元。合資格申請人可於5月7日起向相關機構直接申請。... 想知更多關於資助計劃詳情,請參閱 bit.ly/3bCJWOl 有關更多新型肺炎下渣打的安排及支援措施,詳情請瀏覽 sc.com/hk/covid-19 【Standard Chartered and corporate clients join hands in the second phase of the HKCSS Subdivided Unit Subsidy Programme】 Since our announcement of the HK$10M donation program to subsidise families living in subdivided units to pay rent, more than 10,000 inquiries and applications were received and the original quota of 2,000 was taken up within the first two days. This reflects the difficult situation that the underprivileged is facing and a pressing need for more support. Together with HKCSS, we are launching the second phase of donations and relaxed the income reduction requirement for applicants. We also rolled out a donation matching initiative to match every dollar that our clients donate for up to HK$10 million to increase the number of beneficiaries to at least 4,000 with the amount of subsidy for each household remaining at HK$5,000. Eligible applicants can approach participating organisations from 7 May onwards for more details. Find out more about the subsidy programme from the press release: bit.ly/2KEcw6g For more details related to Standard Chartered’s measures and supports amid the Covid-19, please visit sc.com/hk/bank-with-us/covid-19 #齊心抗疫 #身體健康 #HereForGood #StandardCharteredHK 展开